
102 lines
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package app
import (
// ReMarshalLead converts microservice Models object to swagger
func ReMarshalLead(p interface{}) crm_models.Lead {
// reflect input and set to crm_models type
t := reflect.ValueOf(&p).Elem()
s := crm_models.Lead{}
r := reflect.ValueOf(&s).Elem()
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
return s
// UnMarshalLead decodes swagger to first class object
func UnMarshalLead(s *crm_models.Lead) *Lead {
if s.ID == "" {
s.ID = uuid.New().String()
createdDate, e0 := time.Parse(dateTimeFormat, s.CreatedDate)
lastModfiedDate, e1 := time.Parse(dateTimeFormat, s.LastModifiedDate)
return &Lead{
ID: s.ID,
Address: UnMarshalCrmAddress(s.Address),
Company: s.Company,
Description: s.Description,
Email: s.Email,
FirstName: s.FirstName,
LastName: s.LastName,
MobilePhone: s.MobilePhone,
Name: s.Name,
OwnerID: s.OwnerID,
PartnerAccountID: s.PartnerAccountID,
Phone: s.Phone,
ProductID: s.ProductID,
RefererURL: s.RefererURL,
Status: s.Status,
Title: s.Title,
Type: s.Type,
UTMCampaign: s.UTMCampaign,
UTMContent: s.UTMContent,
UTMMedium: s.UTMMedium,
UTMSource: s.UTMSource,
UTMTerm: s.UTMTerm,
Website: s.Website,
CreatedByID: s.CreatedByID,
LastModifiedByID: s.LastModifiedByID,
TenantID: s.TenantID,
CreatedDate: sql.NullTime{
Time: createdDate,
Valid: e0 == nil,
LastModifiedDate: sql.NullTime{
Time: lastModfiedDate,
Valid: e1 == nil,
// MarshalToSwagger encodes first class object
func (obj *Lead) MarshalToSwagger() *crm_models.Lead {
return &crm_models.Lead{
ID: obj.ID,
Address: obj.Address.MarshalToCrm(),
Company: obj.Company,
CreatedByID: obj.CreatedByID,
CreatedDate: obj.CreatedDate.Time.Format(dateTimeFormat),
Description: obj.Description,
Email: obj.Email,
FirstName: obj.FirstName,
LastName: obj.LastName,
LastModifiedByID: obj.LastModifiedByID,
LastModifiedDate: obj.LastModifiedDate.Time.Format(dateTimeFormat),
MobilePhone: obj.MobilePhone,
Name: obj.Name,
OwnerID: obj.OwnerID,
PartnerAccountID: obj.PartnerAccountID,
Phone: obj.Phone,
ProductID: obj.ProductID,
RefererURL: obj.RefererURL,
Status: obj.Status,
TenantID: obj.TenantID,
Title: obj.Title,
Type: obj.Type,
UTMCampaign: obj.UTMCampaign,
UTMContent: obj.UTMContent,
UTMMedium: obj.UTMMedium,
UTMSource: obj.UTMSource,
UTMTerm: obj.UTMTerm,
Website: obj.Website,