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2022-09-03 21:10:56 +00:00
* crm
* Customer Information Microservice
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.2
* Contact:
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD.
define(['expect.js', process.cwd()+'/src/index'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
factory(require('expect.js'), require(process.cwd()+'/src/index'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
factory(root.expect, root.Crm);
}(this, function(expect, Crm) {
'use strict';
var instance;
beforeEach(function() {
instance = new Crm.Account();
var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
// Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
return object[getter]();
return object[property];
var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
// Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
object[property] = value;
describe('Account', function() {
it('should create an instance of Account', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test Account
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property accountNumber (base name: "AccountNumber")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property accountNumber
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property accountSource (base name: "AccountSource")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property accountSource
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property active (base name: "Active")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property active
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property administrativeLevel (base name: "AdministrativeLevel")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property administrativeLevel
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property amount (base name: "Amount")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property amount
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property amountInvoiced (base name: "AmountInvoiced")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property amountInvoiced
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property amountPaid (base name: "AmountPaid")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property amountPaid
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property annualRevenue (base name: "AnnualRevenue")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property annualRevenue
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property balance (base name: "Balance")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property balance
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property billingAddress (base name: "BillingAddress")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property billingAddress
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property billingContactID (base name: "BillingContactID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property billingContactID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property billingPreference (base name: "BillingPreference")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property billingPreference
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property businessAddress (base name: "BusinessAddress")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property businessAddress
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property cannabisCustomer (base name: "CannabisCustomer")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property cannabisCustomer
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property channelProgramLevelName (base name: "ChannelProgramLevelName")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property channelProgramLevelName
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property channelProgramName (base name: "ChannelProgramName")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property channelProgramName
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property clientEndDate (base name: "ClientEndDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property clientEndDate
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property clientStartDate (base name: "ClientStartDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property clientStartDate
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property companyID (base name: "CompanyID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property companyID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property coordinateID (base name: "CoordinateID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property coordinateID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property createdByID (base name: "CreatedByID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property createdByID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property createdDate (base name: "CreatedDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property createdDate
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property customerID (base name: "CustomerID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property customerID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property customerPriority (base name: "CustomerPriority")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property customerPriority
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property DBA (base name: "DBA")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property DBA
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property dUNSNumber (base name: "DUNSNumber")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property dUNSNumber
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property dandBCompanyID (base name: "DandBCompanyID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property dandBCompanyID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property defaultAddress (base name: "DefaultAddress")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property defaultAddress
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property defaultBackendID (base name: "DefaultBackendID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property defaultBackendID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property defaultDeliveryContactID (base name: "DefaultDeliveryContactID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property defaultDeliveryContactID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property defaultEndUserID (base name: "DefaultEndUserID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property defaultEndUserID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property description (base name: "Description")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property description
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property EIN (base name: "EIN")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property EIN
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property email (base name: "Email")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property email
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property enrollmentStatus (base name: "EnrollmentStatus")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property enrollmentStatus
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property fax (base name: "Fax")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property fax
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property ID (base name: "ID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property iSPCustomer (base name: "ISPCustomer")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property iSPCustomer
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property industry (base name: "Industry")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property industry
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property isCustomerPortal (base name: "IsCustomerPortal")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isCustomerPortal
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property isPartner (base name: "IsPartner")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isPartner
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property jigSaw (base name: "JigSaw")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property jigSaw
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property lastModifiedByID (base name: "LastModifiedByID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property lastModifiedByID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property lastModifiedDate (base name: "LastModifiedDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property lastModifiedDate
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property mSPCustomer (base name: "MSPCustomer")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property mSPCustomer
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property nAICSCode (base name: "NAICSCode")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property nAICSCode
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property nAICSDesc (base name: "NAICSDesc")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property nAICSDesc
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property name (base name: "Name")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property name
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property numberOfEmployees (base name: "NumberOfEmployees")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property numberOfEmployees
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property numberOfLocations (base name: "NumberOfLocations")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property numberOfLocations
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property openCharges (base name: "OpenCharges")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property openCharges
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property orderContactID (base name: "OrderContactID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property orderContactID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property orderEmail (base name: "OrderEmail")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property orderEmail
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property ownerID (base name: "OwnerID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ownerID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property ownership (base name: "Ownership")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ownership
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property parentFK (base name: "ParentFK")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property parentFK
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property parentID (base name: "ParentID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property parentID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property phone (base name: "Phone")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property phone
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property placeID (base name: "PlaceID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property placeID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property preparerID (base name: "PreparerID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property preparerID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property rating (base name: "Rating")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property rating
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property ratingEngineID (base name: "RatingEngineID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ratingEngineID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property ref (base name: "Ref")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ref
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property revenueBase (base name: "RevenueBase")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property revenueBase
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property revenueNet (base name: "RevenueNet")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property revenueNet
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property revenueNotTaxable (base name: "RevenueNotTaxable")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property revenueNotTaxable
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property SIC (base name: "SIC")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property SIC
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property sICDesc (base name: "SICDesc")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property sICDesc
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property shippingAddress (base name: "ShippingAddress")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property shippingAddress
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property shippingCensusTract (base name: "ShippingCensusTract")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property shippingCensusTract
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property shippingContactID (base name: "ShippingContactID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property shippingContactID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property shippingCounty (base name: "ShippingCounty")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property shippingCounty
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property site (base name: "Site")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property site
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property status (base name: "Status")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property status
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property taxExemption (base name: "TaxExemption")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property taxExemption
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property taxOnTax (base name: "TaxOnTax")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property taxOnTax
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property telecomCustomer (base name: "TelecomCustomer")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property telecomCustomer
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property tenantID (base name: "TenantID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property tenantID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property tickerSymbol (base name: "TickerSymbol")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property tickerSymbol
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property tradeStyle (base name: "TradeStyle")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property tradeStyle
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property type (base name: "Type")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property type
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property unappliedPayments (base name: "UnappliedPayments")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property unappliedPayments
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property unitBase (base name: "UnitBase")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property unitBase
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property upsellOpportunity (base name: "UpsellOpportunity")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property upsellOpportunity
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property wHMCSClientID (base name: "WHMCSClientID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property wHMCSClientID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property website (base name: "Website")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property website
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property xeroContactID (base name: "XeroContactID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property xeroContactID
//var instance = new Crm.Account();
it('should have the property yearStarted (base name: "YearStarted")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property yearStarted
//var instance = new Crm.Account();