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2022-09-03 21:10:56 +00:00
# SfGate.ContactsApi
All URIs are relative to **
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**getContacts**]( | **GET** /contacts | Get a Contact record
[**postContacts**]( | **POST** /contacts | Add a new Contacts to Taxnexus
## getContacts
> ContactResponse getContacts(opts)
Get a Contact record
Retrieve Contact records from the datastore
### Example
import SfGate from 'sf_gate';
let defaultClient = SfGate.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
let ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
let apiInstance = new SfGate.ContactsApi();
let opts = {
'contactId': "contactId_example", // String | Taxnexus Record Id of a Contact
'limit': 789, // Number | How many objects to return at one time
'name': "name_example", // String | The Name of this Object
'offset': 789, // Number | How many objects to skip?
'active': true, // Boolean | Only retrieve active records?
'accountId': "accountId_example", // String | Taxnexus Record Id of an Account
'email': "email_example" // String | Email address used for identity lookup
apiInstance.getContacts(opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**contactId** | **String**| Taxnexus Record Id of a Contact | [optional]
**limit** | **Number**| How many objects to return at one time | [optional]
**name** | **String**| The Name of this Object | [optional]
**offset** | **Number**| How many objects to skip? | [optional]
**active** | **Boolean**| Only retrieve active records? | [optional]
**accountId** | **String**| Taxnexus Record Id of an Account | [optional]
**email** | **String**| Email address used for identity lookup | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
## postContacts
> ContactResponse postContacts(contactRequest)
Add a new Contacts to Taxnexus
Contacts record to be added
### Example
import SfGate from 'sf_gate';
let defaultClient = SfGate.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
let ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
let apiInstance = new SfGate.ContactsApi();
let contactRequest = new SfGate.ContactRequest(); // ContactRequest | An array of new Contact records
apiInstance.postContacts(contactRequest, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**contactRequest** | [**ContactRequest**](| An array of new Contact records |
### Return type
### Authorization
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json