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2022-09-03 21:10:56 +00:00
* devops
* System Operations Microservice
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.2
* Contact:
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD.
define(['expect.js', process.cwd()+'/src/index'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
factory(require('expect.js'), require(process.cwd()+'/src/index'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
factory(root.expect, root.Devops);
}(this, function(expect, Devops) {
'use strict';
var instance;
beforeEach(function() {
instance = new Devops.Template();
var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
// Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
return object[getter]();
return object[property];
var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
// Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
object[property] = value;
describe('Template', function() {
it('should create an instance of Template', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test Template
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property companyID (base name: "CompanyID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property companyID
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property createdByID (base name: "CreatedByID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property createdByID
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property createdDate (base name: "CreatedDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property createdDate
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property description (base name: "Description")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property description
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property HTML (base name: "HTML")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property HTML
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property ID (base name: "ID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property ID
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property isActive (base name: "IsActive")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isActive
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property isMaster (base name: "IsMaster")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isMaster
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property lastModifiedByID (base name: "LastModifiedByID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property lastModifiedByID
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property lastModifiedDate (base name: "LastModifiedDate")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property lastModifiedDate
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property name (base name: "Name")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property name
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property objectType (base name: "ObjectType")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property objectType
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property recordTypeName (base name: "RecordTypeName")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property recordTypeName
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property tenantID (base name: "TenantID")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property tenantID
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property type (base name: "Type")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property type
//var instance = new Devops.Template();
it('should have the property URL (base name: "URL")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property URL
//var instance = new Devops.Template();