Prompt: description: A prompt properties: ID: description: Record Id type: string CreatedByID: description: The ID of the user who created the prompt type: string x-nullable: true CreatedDate: description: The date the prompt was created type: string x-nullable: true Icon: description: The icon for the prompt type: string x-nullable: true ImageAltText: description: The alt text for the prompt image type: string x-nullable: true ImageURL: description: The URL of the prompt image type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedByID: description: The ID of the user who last modified the prompt type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedDate: description: The date the prompt was last modified type: string x-nullable: true Logo: description: The logo for the prompt type: string x-nullable: true Model: description: The model for the prompt type: string x-nullable: true Name: description: The name of the prompt type: string x-nullable: true Order: description: The order of the prompt type: number x-nullable: true Parameters: description: A list of parameters encoded as JSON type: string x-nullable: true Prompt: description: The prompt text type: string x-nullable: true PromptCategoryID: description: The ID of the prompt category type: string x-nullable: true ResearchProjectIDs: description: A list of research project IDs items: type: string type: array x-nullable: true Slug: description: The slug for the prompt type: string x-nullable: true System: description: The System prompt to be used type: string x-nullable: true Tags: description: A list of tags items: type: string type: array x-nullable: true Temperature: description: The temperature of the prompt type: number x-nullable: true TenantID: description: The ID of the tenant type: string x-nullable: true Title: description: The title of the prompt type: string x-nullable: true UsedCount: description: The number of times the prompt has been used type: number x-nullable: true UserID: description: The ID of the user who created the prompt type: string x-nullable: true type: object