swagger: "2.0" info: version: 0.3.0 title: "stash" description: "PDF Storage Microservice" termsOfService: "https://salesforcedevops.net/terms/" contact: email: "vern@vernonkeenan.com" license: name: "Proprietary - Copyright (c) 2018-2023 by Vernon Keenan" securityDefinitions: ApiKeyAuth: type: "apiKey" in: "header" name: "X-API-Key" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] schemes: - "http" basePath: "/v1" host: "stash.vernonkeenan.com:8080" consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "application/json" parameters: X-API-Key: name: X-API-Key in: "header" required: true type: string PDFRequest: description: An array of new PDF records in: body name: PDFRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/PDFRequest" pdfIdQueryRequired: description: PDF record ID in: query name: pdfId required: true type: string responses: AccessForbidden: description: "Access forbidden, account lacks access" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" NotFound: description: Resource was not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" PdfResponse: description: Response with an array of pdfs schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DocumentResponse" ServerError: description: Server Internal Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" Unauthorized: description: "Access Unauthorized, invalid API-KEY was used" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" UnprocessableEntity: description: "Unprocessable Entity, likely a bad parameter" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" DocumentResponse: description: Rendered documents response schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DocumentResponse" paths: /pdfs: post: description: Store new PDFs operationId: postPdfs parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/PDFRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DocumentResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Create new PDFs tags: - StashPdf definitions: Document: properties: Filename: type: string ID: type: string SagaType: type: string ParentID: type: string Title: type: string URI: type: string type: object DocumentResponse: description: An array of rendered documents properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Document" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Error: properties: Code: format: int64 type: number Fields: type: string Message: type: string type: object NewPDF: properties: Description: description: Description type: string Filename: description: Filename only type: string HTML: description: The HTML data in text format type: string LastAccessedByID: description: Last Accessed By type: string ObjectType: description: This document's financial object origination type: string OwnerID: description: User who created the PDF type: string ParentID: description: ID of the record that owns this PDF type: string Ref: description: External reference if any type: string Title: description: Document descriptive title type: string type: object PDFRequest: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/NewPDF" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object RequestMeta: properties: ExternalAccount: description: Account Number of the Reseller or OEM type: string required: - ExternalAccount type: object ResponseMeta: properties: Contact: description: Microservice Contact Info type: string Copyright: description: Copyright Info type: string License: description: License Information and Restrictions type: string OperationID: description: Operation ID type: string RequestIP: description: Request IP Address type: string RequestType: description: Request Type type: string RequestURL: description: Request URL type: string ServerInfo: description: Data Server Info type: string ServerResponseTime: description: Data Server Response Time (ms) type: string ServerTimestamp: description: Backend Server Timestamp type: string ExternalAccount: description: Account Number used for recording transactions type: string type: object