/** * board * Taxnexus Onboarding Service * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.2 * Contact: noc@taxnexus.net * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. * */ (function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. define(['expect.js', process.cwd()+'/src/index'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node. factory(require('expect.js'), require(process.cwd()+'/src/index')); } else { // Browser globals (root is window) factory(root.expect, root.Board); } }(this, function(expect, Board) { 'use strict'; var instance; beforeEach(function() { instance = new Board.IQ(); }); var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) { // Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly. if (typeof object[getter] === 'function') return object[getter](); else return object[property]; } var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) { // Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly. if (typeof object[setter] === 'function') object[setter](value); else object[property] = value; } describe('IQ', function() { it('should create an instance of IQ', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test IQ //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be.a(Board.IQ); }); it('should have the property account (base name: "Account")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property account //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); it('should have the property contact (base name: "Contact")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property contact //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); it('should have the property lead (base name: "Lead")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property lead //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); it('should have the property paymentMethod (base name: "PaymentMethod")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property paymentMethod //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); it('should have the property tenant (base name: "Tenant")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property tenant //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); it('should have the property user (base name: "User")', function() { // uncomment below and update the code to test the property user //var instance = new Board.IQ(); //expect(instance).to.be(); }); }); }));