swagger: "2.0" info: version: 0.0.2 title: "crm" description: "Customer Information Microservice" termsOfService: "http://taxnexus.net/terms/" contact: email: "noc@taxnexus.net" license: name: "Proprietary - Copyright (c) 2018-2021 by Taxnexus, Inc." securityDefinitions: ApiKeyAuth: type: "apiKey" in: "header" name: "X-API-Key" schemes: - "http" basePath: "/v1" host: "crm.vernonkeenan.com:8080" consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "application/json" parameters: accountIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of an Account in: query name: accountId required: false type: string assetIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of an Asset in: query name: assetId required: false type: string accountRequest: description: An array of new Account records in: body name: accountRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountRequest" assetRequest: description: An array of new Asset records in: body name: assetRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AssetRequest" activeQuery: description: Only retrieve active records? in: query name: active required: false type: boolean companyIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Company record ID in: query name: companyId required: false type: string leadIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Lead record ID in: query name: leadId required: false type: string contactIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Contact record ID in: query name: contactId required: false type: string contractIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Contact record ID in: query name: contractId required: false type: string emailQuery: description: Email address used for identity lookup in: query name: email required: false type: string contactRequest: description: An array of new Contact records in: body name: contactsRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContactRequest" contractRequest: description: An array of new Contract records in: body name: contractsRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContractRequest" leadRequest: description: An array of new Lead records in: body name: leadRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LeadRequest" limitQuery: description: "How many objects to return at one time" format: int64 in: query name: limit required: false type: integer nameQuery: description: The Name of this Object in: query name: name required: false type: string offsetQuery: description: How many objects to skip? format: int64 in: query name: offset required: false type: integer typeQuery: description: The Type of this Object in: query name: type required: false type: string responses: AccessForbidden: description: "Access forbidden, account lacks access" headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" AccountResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Account objects with Contacts headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountResponse" AssetResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Asset objects with Contacts headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AssetResponse" AssetObservableResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Asset objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Asset" type: array AccountObservableResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Account objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" type: array Conflict: description: Conflict headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" ContactResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Contact objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContactResponse" ContactObservableResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Contact objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" type: array ContractResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Contract objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContractResponse" ContractObservableResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Contract objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contract" type: array LeadResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Lead objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LeadResponse" LeadObservableResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with an array of Lead objects headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Cache-Control: type: string schema: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Lead" type: array DeleteResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Message Objects with Delete Status headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/DeleteResponse" InvalidDataError: headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string description: Invalid data was sent schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InvalidError" NotFound: description: Resource was not found headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" ServerError: description: Server Internal Error headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" Unauthorized: description: "Access unauthorized, invalid API-KEY was used" headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" UnprocessableEntity: description: "Unprocessable Entity, likely a bad parameter" headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" CORSResponse: description: CORS OPTIONS response headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: type: string Access-Control-Allow-Headers: type: string Access-Control-Allow-Methods: type: string Access-Control-Expose-Headers: type: string Access-Control-Max-Age: type: string Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: type: string Cache-Control: type: string paths: /accounts: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Account record operationId: deleteAccount parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete An Account tags: - Accounts get: description: Return a list of all available Accounts operationId: getAccounts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of accounts tags: - Accounts options: description: CORS support operationId: accountOptions responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors post: description: Account record to be added operationId: postAccounts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a new account to Taxnexus tags: - Accounts put: description: Update a single account specified by accountId operationId: putAccount parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a single account tags: - Accounts /accounts/observable: get: description: A list of accounts in a simple JSON array operationId: getAccountsObservable parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountObservableResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get Taxnexus Accounts in an observable array tags: - Accounts options: description: CORS support operationId: accountOptionsObservable responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors /assets: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Asset record operationId: deleteAsset parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/assetIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete An Asset tags: - Assets get: description: Return a list of all available Assets operationId: getAssets parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/assetIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AssetResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of assets tags: - Assets options: description: CORS support operationId: assetOptions responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors post: description: Asset record to be added operationId: postAssets parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/assetRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AssetResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a new asset to Taxnexus tags: - Assets put: description: Update a single asset specified by assetId operationId: putAsset parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/assetRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AssetResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a single asset tags: - Assets /assets/observable: get: description: A list of assets in a simple JSON array operationId: getAssetsObservable parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/assetIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AssetObservableResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get Taxnexus Assets in an observable array tags: - Assets options: description: CORS support operationId: assetOptionsObservable responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors /contracts: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Contract record operationId: deleteContract parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contractIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete An Contract tags: - Contracts get: description: Return a list of all available Contracts operationId: getContracts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/contractIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContractResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of contracts tags: - Contracts options: description: CORS support operationId: contractOptions responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors post: description: Contract record to be added operationId: postContracts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contractRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContractResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a new contract to Taxnexus tags: - Contracts put: description: Update a single contract specified by contractId operationId: putContract parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contractRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContractResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a single contract tags: - Contracts /contracts/observable: get: description: A list of contracts in a simple JSON array operationId: getContractsObservable parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/contractIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContractObservableResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get Taxnexus Contracts in an observable array tags: - Contracts options: description: CORS support operationId: contractOptionsObservable responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors /contacts: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Contact record operationId: deleteContact parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a Contact tags: - Contacts get: description: Return a list of all available Contacts operationId: getContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/contactIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of contacts tags: - Contacts options: description: CORS support operationId: contactOptions responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors post: description: Contact record to be added operationId: postContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Add new contacts tags: - Contacts put: description: Update Contact records operationId: putContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Update Contact tags: - Contacts /contacts/observable: get: description: A list of contacts in a simple JSON array operationId: getContactsObservable parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactObservableResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get Taxnexus Contacts in an observable array tags: - Contacts options: description: CORS support operationId: contactOptionsObservable responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors /leads: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Lead record operationId: deleteLead parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/leadIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a Contact tags: - Leads get: description: Return a list of all available Leads operationId: getLeads parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/leadIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/LeadResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of contacts tags: - Leads options: description: CORS support operationId: leadOptions responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors post: description: Lead records to be added operationId: postLeads parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/leadRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/LeadResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Add new Leads tags: - Leads put: description: Update Lead records operationId: putLeads parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/leadRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/LeadResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Update Leads tags: - Leads /leads/observable: get: description: A list of leads in a simple JSON array operationId: getLeadsObservable parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/leadIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/emailQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/nameQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/LeadObservableResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] summary: Get Taxnexus Leads in an observable array tags: - Leads options: description: CORS support operationId: leadOptionsObservable responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CORSResponse" tags: - cors definitions: Asset: properties: ID: type: string description: Taxnexus Record Id AccountID: type: string description: Account Address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" AssetLevel: type: number description: Asset Level Name: type: string description: Asset Name AssetProvidedByID: type: string description: Asset Provided By AssetServicedByID: type: string description: Asset Serviced By CompanyProductID: type: string description: Company Product IsCompetitorProduct: type: boolean description: Competitor Asset ConsequenceOfFailure: type: string description: Consequence Of Failure ContactID: type: string description: Contact CreatedByID: type: string description: Created By CreatedDate: type: string description: Created Date CurrentAmount: type: number description: Current Amount CurrentLifecycleEndDate: type: string description: Current Lifecycle End Date CurrentMrr: type: number description: Current Monthly Recurring Revenue CurrentQuantity: type: number description: Current Quantity Description: type: string description: Description DigitalAssetStatus: type: string description: Digital Asset Status ExternalIdentifier: type: string description: External Id HasLifecycleManagement: type: boolean description: Has Lifecycle Management InstallDate: type: string description: Install Date IsInternal: type: boolean description: Internal Asset LastModifiedByID: type: string description: Last Modified By LastModifiedDate: type: string description: Last Modified Date LocationID: type: string description: Location ManufactureDate: type: string description: Manufacture Date MIMEType: type: string description: MIME Type ParentID: type: string description: Parent Asset Price: type: number description: Price Product2ID: type: string description: Product ProductCode: type: string description: Product Code ProductDescription: type: string description: Product Description ProductFamily: type: string description: Product Family StockKeepingUnit: type: string description: Product SKU PurchaseDate: type: string description: Purchase Date Quantity: type: number description: Quantity RootAssetID: type: string description: Root Asset SerialNumber: type: string description: Serial Number Status: type: string description: Status StatusReason: type: string description: Status Reason TenantID: type: string description: Tenant ID TotalLifecycleAmount: type: number description: Total Lifecycle Amount Type: type: string description: Type UUID: type: string description: Unique Identifier URL: type: string description: URL UsageEndDate: type: string description: Usage End Date type: object AssetRequest: description: An array of Asset objects with Contacts properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Asset" type: array type: object AssetResponse: description: An array of Asset objects with Contacts properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Asset" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Account: properties: ID: description: Taxnexus Account Id type: string AccountNumber: description: Account Number type: string AccountSource: description: The marketing origin of this account type: string AnnualRevenue: description: Annual Revenue Estimate format: double type: number BillingAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" BillingContactID: description: Contact ID type: string CloseDate: description: Close Date type: string CloudType: description: The type of cloud company type: string CloudYear: description: The year company started cloud revenue type: string CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string CrunchbaseURL: description: Crunchbase URL type: string Description: description: Description of the account type: string EarningsCall: description: Earnings Call Date type: string Email: description: Main Account Email type: string EquityFunding: description: The amount of equity EquityFunding type: number Facebook: description: Company Facebook URL type: string LinkedIn: description: Company LinkedIn URL type: string Location: description: Headquarters Location Description type: string Fax: description: Fax number type: string FoundedDate: description: Date company founded type: string Industry: description: Industry type: string Industries: description: Industries type: string IPODate: description: IPO Date type: string Logo: description: Company Logo URL type: string LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string MarketCapitalization: description: Market Capitalization type: number Name: description: Account Name type: string NumberInvestments: description: Number of Investments type: number NumberOfEmployees: description: Employee Count Estimate format: int64 type: number OwnerID: description: Account Owner User ID type: string Ownership: description: Ownership type: string Publish: description: Publish this record? type: boolean SalesforceFirst: description: A Salesforce-First company? type: boolean ParentID: description: Parent Account type: string Phone: description: Phone type: string SIC: description: SIC Code type: string SICDesc: description: SIC Description type: string ShippingAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" ShippingContactID: description: Shipping Contact ID type: string Site: description: Account Site type: string TagLine: description: Company tagline type: string TenantID: description: Tenant Identifier type: string TickerSymbol: description: Ticker Symbol type: string Twitter: description: Twitter URL type: string Type: description: Type type: string Website: description: Website type: string YearStarted: description: Year Started type: string type: object AccountRequest: description: An array of Account objects with Contacts properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" type: array type: object AccountResponse: description: An array of Account objects with Contacts properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Address: properties: City: description: City type: string Country: description: Country full name type: string CountryCode: description: Country Code type: string PostalCode: description: Postal Code type: string State: description: State full name type: string StateCode: description: State Code type: string Street: description: Street number and name type: string type: object Contact: properties: AccountID: description: The primary account ID of this contact type: string AssistantName: description: Assistant Name type: string AssistantPhone: description: Asst. Phone type: string BirthDate: description: Birthdate type: string CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string Department: description: Department type: string Description: description: Description type: string DoNotCall: description: Do Not Call? type: boolean Email: description: Email address type: string EmailBounceDate: description: Email Bounce Date type: string EmailBouncedReason: description: Email Bounce Reason type: string EnrollmentStatus: description: Taxnexus Enrollment Status type: string Fax: description: Fax Number type: string FirstName: description: First Name type: string HasOptedOutOfEmail: description: Email Opt Out type: boolean HasOptedOutOfFax: description: Fax Opt Out type: boolean HomePhone: description: Home Phone type: string ID: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string IsEmailBounced: description: Does this contact have bounced emails? type: boolean IsProvisioned: description: Is Provisioned? type: boolean LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string LastName: description: Last Name type: string LeadSource: description: Lead Source type: string Level: description: Level type: string LinkedIn: description: LinkedIn Page type: string MailingAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" MailingLists: description: Mailing Lists type: string MobilePhone: description: Mobile Phone type: string Name: description: Full Name type: string OtherAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" OtherPhone: description: Other Phone type: string OwnerID: description: The User ID of the user who owns this Contact type: string PersonalEmail: description: Personal Email Address for this Contact type: string Phone: description: Phone Number type: string PhotoURL: description: URL of a photograph of this User type: string RecruitingStatus: description: Recruiting Status type: string Ref: description: "External reference to this contact, if any" type: string ReportsToID: description: Reports To Contact ID type: string Salutation: description: Contact Salutation type: string Status: description: The Contact Status type: string TenantID: description: Tenant Identifier type: string Title: description: Contact Title type: string Type: description: Contact Type type: string type: object ContactRequest: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" type: array type: object ContactResponse: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object DeleteResponse: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Message" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Error: properties: Code: format: int64 type: integer Fields: type: string Message: type: string type: object InvalidError: allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/Error" - properties: details: items: type: string type: array type: object Lead: properties: Address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" Company: description: Company type: string CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string Description: description: Description type: string Email: description: Email type: string FirstName: description: First Name type: string ID: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string LastName: description: Last Name type: string MobilePhone: description: Mobile type: string Name: description: Name type: string OwnerId: description: LeadBasic Owner type: string PartnerAccountId: description: Partner Account type: string Phone: description: Phone type: string ProductID: description: Product type: string RefererURL: description: referer_url type: string Status: description: LeadBasic Status type: string TenantID: description: Tenant Identifier type: string Title: description: Title type: string Type: description: Type type: string UTMCampaign: description: utm_campaign type: string UTMContent: description: utm_content type: string UTMMedium: description: utm_medium type: string UTMSource: description: utm_source type: string UTMTerm: description: utm_term type: string Website: description: Website type: string type: object LeadRequest: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Lead" type: array type: object LeadResponse: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Lead" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Message: properties: message: type: string ref: type: string status: format: int64 type: number type: object Pagination: properties: limit: format: int64 type: number pagesize: format: int64 type: number poffset: format: int64 type: integer setsize: format: int64 type: number type: object RequestMeta: properties: TaxnexusAccount: description: Taxnexus Account Number of the Reseller or OEM type: string required: - TaxnexusAccount type: object ResponseMeta: properties: Contact: description: Microservice Contact Info type: string Copyright: description: Copyright Info type: string License: description: License Information and Restrictions type: string OperationID: description: Operation ID type: string Pagination: $ref: "#/definitions/Pagination" RequestIP: description: Request IP Address type: string RequestType: description: Request Type type: string RequestURL: description: Request URL type: string ServerInfo: description: Data Server Info type: string ServerResponseTime: description: Data Server Response Time (ms) type: string ServerTimestamp: description: Backend Server Timestamp type: string TaxnexusAccount: description: Taxnexus Account Number used for recording transactions type: string type: object Contract: type: object properties: AccountID: description: Account type: string ActivatedByID: description: Activated By type: string ActivatedDate: description: Activated Date type: string BillingAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" description: Billing Address BillingContactID: description: Billing Contact type: string CompanySignedDate: description: Company Signed Date type: string CompanySignedID: description: Company Signed By type: string ContractNumber: description: Contract Number type: string ContractTerm: description: Contract Term (months) type: number CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string CustomerSignedDate: description: Customer Signed Date type: string CustomerSignedID: description: Customer Signed By type: string CustomerSignedTitle: description: Customer Signed Title type: string DefaultEndUserID: description: End User type: string Description: description: Description type: string EndDate: description: Contract End Date type: string HourlyRate: description: Hourly Rate type: number ID: description: Telnexus Record Id type: string LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string Name: description: Contract Name type: string PaymentMethodID: description: Payment Method type: string PaymentTerms: description: Payment Terms type: string Perpetual: description: Perpetual Agreement? type: boolean ShippingAddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" description: Shipping Address ShippingContactID: description: Shipping Contact type: string StartDate: description: Contract Start Date type: string Status: description: Status type: string TenantID: description: Tenant Identifier type: string ContractRequest: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contract" type: array type: object ContractResponse: properties: Data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contract" type: array Meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object