Contact: properties: ID: description: Record Id type: string AccountID: description: The primary account ID of this contact type: string x-nullable: true AssistantName: description: Assistant Name type: string x-nullable: true AssistantPhone: description: Asst. Phone type: string x-nullable: true BirthDate: description: Birthdate type: string x-nullable: true CrunchbaseURL: type: string x-nullable: true CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string x-nullable: true CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string x-nullable: true Department: description: Department type: string x-nullable: true Description: description: Description type: string x-nullable: true DoNotCall: description: Do Not Call? type: boolean x-nullable: true Email: description: Email address type: string x-nullable: true EmailBounceDate: description: Email Bounce Date type: string x-nullable: true EmailBouncedReason: description: Email Bounce Reason type: string x-nullable: true Facebook: description: Facebook Page type: string x-nullable: true Fax: description: Fax Number type: string x-nullable: true FirstName: description: First Name type: string x-nullable: true HasOptedOutOfEmail: description: Email Opt Out type: boolean x-nullable: true HasOptedOutOfFax: description: Fax Opt Out type: boolean x-nullable: true HomePhone: description: Home Phone type: string x-nullable: true IsEmailBounced: description: Does this contact have bounced emails? type: boolean x-nullable: true LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string x-nullable: true LastName: description: Last Name type: string x-nullable: true LeadSource: description: Lead Source type: string x-nullable: true LinkedIn: description: LinkedIn Page type: string x-nullable: true MailingAddress: $ref: "./address.yaml#/Address" MobilePhone: description: Mobile Phone type: string x-nullable: true Name: description: Full Name type: string x-nullable: true NumberInvestments: type: number x-nullable: true OtherAddress: $ref: "./address.yaml#/Address" x-nullable: true OtherPhone: description: Other Phone type: string x-nullable: true OwnerID: description: The User ID of the user who owns this Contact type: string x-nullable: true PersonalEmail: description: Personal Email Address for this Contact type: string x-nullable: true Phone: description: Phone Number type: string x-nullable: true PhotoURL: description: URL of a photograph of this User type: string x-nullable: true ReportsToID: description: Reports To type: string x-nullable: true Salutation: description: Salutation type: string x-nullable: true Slug: description: Slug type: string x-nullable: true TenantID: description: Tenant Identifier type: string x-nullable: true Title: description: Contact Title type: string x-nullable: true Twitter: description: Twitter URL type: string x-nullable: true type: object