swagger: "2.0" info: title: "sf-gate" version: 1.2.7 description: "Salesforce Gateway Microservice" termsOfService: "http://taxnexus.net/terms/" contact: email: "noc@taxnexus.net" license: name: "Proprietary - Copyright (c) 2018-2021 by Taxnexus, Inc." schemes: - "http" basePath: "/v1" host: "sf-gate.fabric.tnxs.net:8080" securityDefinitions: ApiKeyAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: X-API-Key security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: accountIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Account to be used a record retrieval in: query name: accountId required: false type: string accountIdQueryRequired: description: Taxnexus Id of the Account to be used a record retrieval in: query name: accountId required: true type: string accountNumberQuery: description: The Taxnexus Account Number of the Account to be used a record retrieval in: query name: accountNumber required: false type: string accountRequest: description: A request with an array of Account Objects in: body name: accountRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountRequest" accountTypeQuery: description: The Type of this Object enum: - channel_partner_member - channel_partner_prospect - new - other - system - tax_administrator_member - tax_administrator_prospect - taxpayer_customer - taxpayer_prospect in: query name: type required: false type: string activeQuery: description: Retrieve only active records? in: query name: active required: false type: boolean addressQuery: description: Postal Address URL encoded; partial addresses allowed in: query name: address required: false type: string apiKeyQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the User to be retrieved in: query name: apikey required: false type: string authorityIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Authority to be retrieved in: query name: authorityId required: false type: string authorityRequestBody: description: A request with an array of Authority Objects in: body name: authorityRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AuthorityRequest" roleIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Role to be retrieved in: query name: roleId required: false type: string backendIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Backend to be retrieved in: query name: backendId required: false type: string cashReceiptIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Cash Receipt in: query name: cashReceiptId required: false type: string clusterIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Cluster in: query name: clusterId required: false type: string databaseIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Database in: query name: databaseId required: false type: string tenantIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Tenant in: query name: tenantId required: false type: string tenantRequest: description: An array of Tenant records in: body name: CTenantRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TenantRequest" companyIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Company to be retrieved in: query name: companyId required: false type: string contactIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Contact to be retrieved in: query name: contactId required: false type: string contactRequest: description: An array of new Contact records in: body name: contactsRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContactRequest" countryIdQuery: description: The Country Taxnexus ID in: query name: countryId required: false type: string countryQuery: description: The Country abbreviation (2 char) in: query name: country required: false type: string countyIdQuery: description: The County Taxnexus ID in: query name: countyId required: false type: string countyQuery: description: The County Name in: query name: county required: false type: string dateFromQuery: description: The Starting Date for an object retrieval in: query name: dateFrom required: false type: string dateToQuery: description: The Ending Date for an object retrieval in: query name: dateTo required: false type: string documentIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Document to be retrieved in: query name: documentId required: false type: string domainIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Domain to be retrieved in: query name: domainId required: false type: string domainQuery: description: "The Tax Domain to rate (cannabis, sales or telecom)" in: query name: name required: false type: string filingIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Filing to be retrieved in: query name: filingId required: false type: string filingTypeIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Filing in: query name: filingTypeId required: false type: string glBalanceIdQueryRequired: description: Taxnexus Id of a GL Balance Record in: query name: glbalanceId required: true type: string idRequestBody: description: An array of existing Taxnexus Record IDs in: body name: idsRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/IdsRequest" ingestIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of an Ingest in: query name: ingestId required: false type: string invoiceIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Invoice to be retrieved in: query name: invoiceId required: false type: string jobIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Job record in: query name: jobId required: false type: string licenseIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the License to be retrieved in: query name: licenseId required: false type: string licenseTypeIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the License Type to be retrieved in: query name: licensetypeId required: false type: string limitQuery: description: "How many objects to return at one time" format: int64 in: query name: limit required: false type: integer masterQuery: description: Retrieve only master records? in: query name: master required: false type: boolean nameQuery: description: The Name of this Object in: query name: name required: false type: string offsetQuery: description: How many objects to skip? (default 0) format: int64 in: query name: offset required: false type: integer orderIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Company to be retrieved in: query name: orderId required: false type: string periodIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Period to be used a record retrieval in: query name: periodId required: false type: string periodIdQueryRequired: description: Taxnexus Id of the Period to be used in a record retrieval in: query name: periodId required: true type: string periodNameQueryRequired: description: The Taxnexus Accounting Period in: query name: period required: false type: string placeIdQuery: description: The City name (must be accompanied by State) in: query name: placeId required: false type: string placeQuery: description: The City name (must be accompanied by State) in: query name: place required: false type: string poIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Purchase Order to be retrieved in: query name: poId required: false type: string productIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Account to be used a record retrieval in: query name: productId required: false type: string productRequestBody: description: A request with an array of Product Objects in: body name: productRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProductRequest" productdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Product to be retrieved in: query name: productId required: false type: string quoteIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Company to be retrieved in: query name: quoteId required: false type: string serviceIdQuery: description: Service ID in: query name: serviceId type: string stateIdQuery: description: The State or Province abbreviation (2 char) in: query name: stateId required: false type: string stateQuery: description: The State or Province abbreviation (2 char) in: query name: state required: false type: string statementIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Company to be retrieved in: query name: statementId required: false type: string submissionIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Submisssion to be retrieved in: query name: submissionId required: false type: string subscriptionIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Subscription to be retrieved in: query name: subscriptionId required: false type: string taxTypeAccountIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Tax Type Account to be retrieved in: query name: taxtypeaccountId required: false type: string taxTypeIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Tax Type to be retrieved in: query name: taxtypeId required: false type: string taxnexuscodeIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the Taxnexus Code to be retrieved in: query name: taxnexuscodeId required: false type: string templateIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Record Id of a Template in: query name: templateId required: false type: string typeQuery: description: The Type of this Object in: query name: type required: false type: string userIdQuery: description: Taxnexus Id of the User to be retrieved in: query name: userId required: false type: string notebookIdQuery: description: Template ID in: query name: notebookId type: string notebookRequest: description: An array of Notebook records in: body name: NotebookRequest required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/NotebookRequest" responses: AccessForbidden: description: "Access forbidden, account lacks access" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" AccountResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Account objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AccountResponse" TenantResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Tenant objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TenantResponse" CompanyResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Company objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/CompanyResponse" Conflict: description: Conflict schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" ContactResponse: description: An array of Contact objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ContactResponse" DeleteResponse: description: An array of Message Objects with Delete Status schema: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Message" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object InvalidDataError: description: Invalid data was sent schema: $ref: "#/definitions/InvalidError" NotFound: description: Resource was not found schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" ProductResponse: description: An array of Product objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ProductResponse" RoleResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Role objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/RoleResponse" ServerError: description: Server Internal Error schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" TemplateResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Template objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TemplateResponse" Unauthorized: description: "Access unauthorized, invalid API-KEY was used" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" UnprocessableEntity: description: "Unprocessable Entity, likely a bad parameter" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Error" UserResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with User objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/UserResponse" NotebookResponse: description: Taxnexus Response with Notebook objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/NotebookResponse" paths: /accounts: get: description: Return a list of Accounts operationId: getAccounts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list of accounts tags: - Accounts post: description: Account record to be added operationId: postAccounts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Add a new account to Taxnexus tags: - Accounts put: description: Update a single account specified by accountId operationId: putAccount parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/AccountResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Update a single account tags: - Accounts /roles: get: description: Return a list of Roles operationId: getRoles parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/roleIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/RoleResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list of Roles tags: - Roles /tenants: get: description: Return a list of Tenant records from the datastore operationId: getTenants parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/tenantIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/companyIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/TenantResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list Tenants tags: - Tenants post: description: Create Tenants in Taxnexus operationId: Tenants parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/tenantRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/TenantResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Create new Tenants tags: - Tenants put: description: Update Tenant in Taxnexus operationId: putTenants parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/tenantRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/TenantResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Update Tenants tags: - Tenants /companies: get: description: Retrieve a Company record from the datastore operationId: getCompanies parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/companyIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/CompanyResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a Company record tags: - Companies /contacts: delete: description: Delete Taxnexus Contact record operationId: deleteContact parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/DeleteResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Delete a Contact tags: - Contacts get: description: Return a list of all available Contacts operationId: getContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/accountIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/companyIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/contactIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list of contacts tags: - Contacts post: description: Contact record to be added operationId: postContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Add new contacts tags: - Contacts put: description: Update Contact records operationId: putContacts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/contactRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ContactResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Update Contact tags: - Contacts /products: get: description: Return a list of all available Products operationId: getProducts parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/productIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/ProductResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list of Products tags: - Products /templates: get: description: "Returns the PDF rendering template, or a link to where to get the template" operationId: getTemplates parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/templateIdQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/TemplateResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get PDF Rendering Templates tags: - Templates /users: get: description: Return a list of User records from the datastore operationId: getUsers parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/userIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/activeQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/apiKeyQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/UserResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list Users tags: - Users /notebooks: get: description: Return a list of Notebook records from the datastore operationId: getNotebooks parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/notebookIdQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/limitQuery" - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetQuery" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/NotebookResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Get a list of Notebooks tags: - Notebooks post: description: Create Notebooks in Taxnexus operationId: postNotebooks parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/notebookRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/NotebookResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Create new Notebooks tags: - Notebooks put: description: Update Notebooks in Taxnexus operationId: putNotebooks parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/notebookRequest" responses: "200": $ref: "#/responses/NotebookResponse" "401": $ref: "#/responses/Unauthorized" "403": $ref: "#/responses/AccessForbidden" "404": $ref: "#/responses/NotFound" "422": $ref: "#/responses/UnprocessableEntity" "500": $ref: "#/responses/ServerError" summary: Update Notebooks tags: - Notebooks definitions: Account: properties: accountnumber: description: Account Number type: string accountsource: description: The marketing orgin of this account type: string active: description: Active type: boolean administrativelevel: description: For tax authorities, this account's administrative level, e.g. Local, County, State or Federal type: string amount: description: Rollup Tax Amount type: number amountinvoiced: description: Amount Invoiced type: number amountpaid: description: Amount Paid type: number annualrevenue: description: Annual Revenue Estimate format: double type: number balance: description: Account Balance type: number billingaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" billingcontactid: description: Contact ID type: string billingpreference: description: Billing Preference type: string businessaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" cannabiscustomer: description: Is this a cannabis customer? type: boolean channelprogramlevelname: description: Channel Program Level Name type: string channelprogramname: description: Channel Program Name type: string clientenddate: description: Client End Date type: string clientstartdate: description: Client Start Date type: string companyid: description: The Company ID of this Account type: string coordinateid: description: The Id of the geo coordinates of this account type: string createdbyid: description: Created By User ID type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string customerid: description: Customer ID from source system type: string customerpriority: description: Customer Priority type: string dandbcompanyid: description: D-n-B Company type: string dba: description: This Account's 'Doing Business As' name type: string defaultaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" defaultbackendid: description: Default Backend ID type: string defaultdeliverycontactid: description: Default Delivery Address Contact ID type: string defaultenduserid: description: Default End User Contact ID type: string description: description: Description type: string dunsnumber: description: D-U-N-S Number type: string ein: description: EIN type: string email: description: Main Account Email type: string enrollmentstatus: description: Enrollment Status type: string fax: description: Fax type: string id: description: Taxnexus Account Id type: string industry: description: Industry type: string iscustomerportal: description: Customer Portal Account type: boolean ispartner: description: Partner Account type: boolean ispcustomer: description: ISP Customer? type: boolean jigsaw: description: Data.com Key type: string lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modified Date type: string mspcustomer: description: MSP Customer? type: boolean naicscode: description: NAICS Code type: string naicsdesc: description: NAICS Description type: string name: description: Account Name type: string numberofemployees: description: Employee Count Estimate format: int64 type: number numberoflocations: description: Number of Locations Estimate format: int64 type: number opencharges: description: Open Charges type: number ordercontactid: description: Vendor Order Contact ID type: string orderemail: description: Order Email type: string ownerid: description: Account Owner User ID type: string ownership: description: Ownership type: string parentfk: description: Parent Foreign Key type: string parentid: description: Parent Account type: string phone: description: Phone type: string placeid: description: The ID of the Place situs record that applies to this Account type: string preparerid: description: Tax Preparer Contact ID type: string rating: description: Rating type: string ratingengineid: description: Rating Engine identifier type: string ref: description: External Reference ID type: string revenuebase: description: Rollup Revenue Base type: number revenuenet: description: Rollup Revenue Net type: number revenuenottaxable: description: Rollup Revenue Not Taxable type: number shippingaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" shippingcensustract: description: Shipping Census Tract type: string shippingcontactid: description: Shipping Contact ID type: string shippingcounty: description: Shipping County type: string sic: description: SIC Code type: string sicdesc: description: SIC Description type: string site: description: Account Site type: string status: description: Account Status type: string taxexemption: description: Tax Exemption type: string taxontax: description: Rollup Tax On Tax type: number telecomcustomer: description: Telecom Customer? type: boolean tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string tickersymbol: description: Ticker Symbol type: string tradestyle: description: Tradestyle type: string type: description: Type type: string unappliedpayments: description: Unapplied Payments type: number unitbase: description: Rollup Unit Base type: number upsellopportunity: description: Upsell Opportunity type: string website: description: Website type: string whmcsclientid: description: WHMCS Client ID format: int64 type: number xerocontactid: description: Xero Contact ID type: string yearstarted: description: Year Started type: string type: object AccountRequest: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object AccountResponse: description: An array of Account objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Account" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Address: properties: city: description: City type: string country: description: Country full name type: string countrycode: description: Country Code type: string postalcode: description: Postal Code type: string state: description: State full name type: string statecode: description: State Code type: string street: description: Street number and name type: string required: - city - statecode type: object Authority: properties: accountid: description: Account type: string addressline1: description: Address Line 1 type: string addressline2: description: Address Line 2 type: string btn: description: Billing Telephone Number type: string city: description: City type: string contactid: description: Contact ID type: string country: type: string createdbyid: description: Created By User ID type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string date: type: string dateapproved: description: Date Approved type: string id: description: Taxnexus Record Identifier type: string lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modified Date type: string losingcarrier: description: Losing Carrier type: string name: description: Authority Number type: string nameline1: description: Name Line 1 type: string nameline2: description: Name Line 2 type: string opportunityid: description: Opportunity ID type: string orderid: description: Order ID type: string parentfk: description: UUID Reference the master record that owns this item type: string postalcode: description: Zip Code type: string quoteid: description: Quote ID type: string ref: description: Source System identifier for this record, if any type: string state: description: State type: string status: description: Status type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string transferdate: description: Transfer Date type: string type: description: Authority Type type: string type: object AuthorityRequest: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Authority" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object AuthorityResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Authority" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Company: properties: accountid: description: Taxnexus ID of the Account that owns this Company type: string accountnumberprefix: description: Account Number Prefix type: string advancedperiodid: description: The next period to be used in periodic billing type: string billingaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" billingadvice: description: Billing Advice type: string billingcontactid: description: Contact ID type: string billingemail: description: Billing Email type: string billingphone: description: Billing Phone type: string billingwebsite: description: Billing Website type: string closedperiodid: description: The last closed period type: string coatemplateid: description: Chart of Accounts Template Account ID type: string coloraccent1: description: Color Accent1 type: string coloraccent2: description: Color Accent2 type: string colorprimary: description: Color Primary type: string createdbyid: description: Created By User ID type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string currentperiodid: description: The current period type: string currentperiodstatus: description: The current period's status value type: string customersuccessid: description: User ID of default Customer Success user type: string dateclosed: description: Date Closed type: string defaultaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" defaultcompany: description: Default Company? type: boolean fontbody: description: Font Name for Body Text type: string fontheading: description: Font Name for Heading type: string fontheadingnarrow: description: Font Name for Heading Narrow type: string fontlink: description: Font Names for CSS Link type: string fontmono: description: Font Name for Monospace type: string id: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string international: description: International Customers? type: boolean lastaccountnumber: description: Last Account Number format: int64 type: number lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modified Date type: string lasttaxtypenumber: description: Last TaxType Number format: int64 type: number logo: description: Logo URL type: string name: description: Company Name type: string ownerid: description: The ID of the contact who owns this Company type: string preparerid: description: User ID of the default tax preparer type: string pricebookid: description: The ID of the default Pricebook for this company type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string usertechleadid: description: The ID of the contact who is the User Tech Lead for Company type: string type: object CompanyResponse: description: An array of Company objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Company" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Contact: properties: accountid: description: The primary account ID of this contact type: string assistantname: description: Assistant Name type: string assistantphone: description: Asst. Phone type: string birthdate: description: Birthdate type: string createdbyid: description: Created By User ID type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string department: description: Department type: string description: description: Description type: string donotcall: description: Do Not Call? type: boolean email: description: Email address type: string emailbounceddate: description: Email Bounce Date type: string emailbouncedreason: description: Email Bounce Reason type: string enrollmentstatus: description: Taxnexus Enrollment Status type: string fax: description: Fax Number type: string firstname: description: First Name type: string hasoptedoutofemail: description: Email Opt Out type: boolean hasoptedoutoffax: description: Fax Opt Out type: boolean homephone: description: Home Phone type: string id: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string isemailbounced: description: Does this contact have bounced emails? type: boolean isprovisioned: description: Is Provisioned? type: boolean lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modified Date type: string lastname: description: Last Name type: string leadsource: description: Lead Source type: string level: description: Level type: string linkedin: description: LinkedIn Page type: string mailingaddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" mailinglists: description: Mailing Lists type: string mobilephone: description: Mobile Phone type: string name: description: Full Name type: string otheraddress: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" otherphone: description: Other Phone type: string ownerid: description: The User ID of the user who owns this Contact type: string personalemail: description: Personal Email Address for this Contact type: string phone: description: Phone Number type: string photourl: description: URL of a photograph of this User type: string recruitingstatus: description: Recruiting Status type: string ref: description: External reference to this contact, if any type: string reportstoid: description: Reports To Contact ID type: string salutation: description: Contact Salutation type: string status: description: The Contact Status type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string title: description: Contact Title type: string type: description: Contact Type type: string type: object ContactRequest: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" required: - meta - data type: object ContactResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Contact" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object ContractBasic: properties: description: description: Description type: string enddate: description: Contract End Date type: string hourlyrate: description: Hourly Rate type: number id: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string isactive: description: Is Active? type: boolean name: description: Contract Name type: string parentfk: description: UUID Reference the master record that owns this item type: string paymentterms: description: Payment Terms type: string pricebook2id: description: Price Book type: string ref: description: Source System identifier for this record, if any type: string startdate: description: Contract Start Date type: string status: description: Status type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string type: description: Contract Type type: string type: object Error: properties: code: format: int64 type: integer fields: type: string message: type: string type: object Ids: description: Taxnexus Record Ids items: type: string type: array IdsRequest: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Ids" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object InvalidError: allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/Error" - properties: details: items: type: string type: array type: object Message: properties: message: type: string ref: type: string status: type: integer type: object Notebook: description: Defines a Taxnexus Notebook properties: accountid: description: Account type: string contactid: description: Contact type: string createdbyid: description: Created By type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string date: description: Analysis Date type: string dateend: description: End Date type: string datestart: description: Start Date type: string description: description: Description type: string id: description: Record Id type: string items: items: $ref: "#/definitions/NotebookItem" type: array lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modifed Date type: string periodendid: description: Ending Period type: string periodstartid: description: Starting Period type: string preparerid: description: Preparer type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string title: description: Title type: string type: object NotebookItem: description: An analysis item associated with a Notebook properties: id: description: Record Id type: string itemname: description: Developer name of component type: string notebookid: description: The notebook that owns this Item type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string title: description: Display title type: string type: object NotebookRequest: description: An array of Notebook objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Notebook" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object NotebookResponse: description: An array of Notebook objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Notebook" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Pagination: properties: NextLink: type: string PLimit: format: int64 type: integer POffset: format: int64 type: integer PageSize: format: int64 type: integer SetSize: format: int64 type: integer type: object Product: properties: AccountID: description: The ID of the Account that owns this product type: string AgencyType: description: Agency Type type: string AssetTracking: description: Asset Tracking? type: boolean CreatedByID: description: ID of who created this record instance type: string CreatedDate: description: Date of record creation type: string Description: description: Product Description type: string DescriptionSKU: description: DescriptionSKU type: string DisplayURL: description: Display URL type: string Family: description: Product Family type: string ID: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string Image500: description: Image (500) type: string ImageFull: description: Image (Full) type: string InventoryTracking: description: Inventory Tracking? type: boolean IsActive: description: Active type: boolean IsGeneric: description: isGeneric type: boolean LastModfiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string LastModifiedByID: description: Last modified by ID type: string MRCInterval: description: MRC Interval format: int64 type: number MSRP: description: MSRP format: double type: number Manufacturer: description: Manufacturer type: string ManufacturerProductCode: description: Manufacturer Product Code type: string Name: description: Product Name type: string ProductCode: description: Product Code type: string Prorateable: description: Prorateable? type: boolean Publish: description: Publish? type: boolean PublishUPC: description: Publish UPC type: string QuantityUnitOfMeasure: description: Quantity Unit Of Measure type: string Refundable: description: Refundable? type: boolean SKU: description: SKU type: string ShippingWeight: description: Shipping Weight format: double type: number Specifications: description: Specifications type: string TaxnexusCode: description: Taxnexus Code Name type: string TaxnexusCodeID: description: Taxnexus Code type: string TenantID: description: tenant identifier type: string Units: description: Units type: string VendorID: description: Vendor type: string VendorName: description: Vendor Name type: string VendorPartNumber: description: Vendor Part Number type: string VendorPrice: description: Vendor Price format: double type: number type: object ProductRequest: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Product" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object ProductResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Product" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object RequestMeta: properties: TaxnexusAccount: description: Taxnexus Account Number of the Reseller or OEM type: string required: - TaxnexusAccount type: object ResponseMeta: properties: Contact: description: Contact Info type: string Copyright: description: Copyright Info type: string Info: description: API Information type: string License: description: License Info type: string OperationID: type: string Pagination: $ref: "#/definitions/Pagination" RequestIP: type: string RequestType: type: string RequestURL: type: string ServerInfo: type: string ServerResponseTime: type: string ServerTimeStamp: type: string TaxnexusAccount: type: string UserID: type: string type: object Role: description: A functional role within a Tenant properties: auth0roleid: description: the corresponding auth0 role type: string createdbyid: description: created by type: string createddate: description: created date type: string description: description: role description type: string id: description: record id type: string lastmodifiedbyid: description: last modified by type: string lastmodifieddate: description: last modifed date type: string rolename: description: the name of this role type: string tenantid: description: the id of the tenant that owns this role type: string type: object RoleRequest: description: An array of Role objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Role" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object RoleResponse: description: An array of Role objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Role" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Template: properties: CompanyID: description: Company type: string CreatedByID: type: string CreatedDate: type: string Description: description: Description type: string HTML: description: HTML Body format: byte type: string ID: description: Taxnexus Record Id type: string IsActive: description: Active? type: boolean IsMaster: description: Master Template? type: boolean LastModifiedByID: type: string LastModifiedDate: type: string Name: description: Template Name type: string ObjectType: description: Object type: string RecordTypeName: description: Record Type Name type: string Type: description: Type type: string URL: description: URL type: string tenantid: description: tenant identifier type: string type: object TemplateResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Template" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object Tenant: description: Taxnexus Account Tenant properties: accountid: description: The Account that owns this Tenant type: string active: description: Is this Tenant currently active? type: boolean createdbyid: description: Created By type: string createddate: description: Created Date type: string id: description: Record Id type: string lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified By type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modifed Date type: string roles: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Role" type: array status: description: The current status of this Tenant type: string tenantname: description: Name of the Tenant Resource type: string tenantusers: items: $ref: "#/definitions/TenantUser" type: array type: description: Type of tenant type: string version: description: The version number of the Tenant Onboarding system used to create this tenant type: string type: object TenantRequest: description: An array of Tenant objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Tenant" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/RequestMeta" type: object TenantResponse: description: An array of Tenant objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/Tenant" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object TenantUser: description: Relationship object that connects users to a tenant properties: accesslevel: description: The Tenant access level for this User type: string tenantid: description: The Tenant ID type: string userid: description: The User ID type: string type: object User: properties: aboutme: description: About Me type: string accountid: description: Account ID type: string address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" alias: description: Alias type: string apikey: description: API Key type: string auth0userid: description: Auth0 User ID type: string communitynickname: description: Nickname type: string companyname: description: Company Name type: string contactid: description: Contact type: string createdbyid: description: Created User ID type: string createddate: description: Date Created type: string delegatedapproverid: description: Delegated Approver type: string department: description: Department type: string division: description: Division type: string email: description: Email address type: string employeenumber: description: Employee Number type: string endday: description: Time day ends type: string environment: description: Environment type: string extension: description: Extension type: string fabricapikey: description: Fabric API Key type: string fax: description: Fax type: string firstname: description: The first name type: string forecastenabled: description: Allow Forecasting type: boolean fullphotourl: description: Full Photo URL type: string id: description: Taxnexus ID type: string isactive: description: Active type: boolean isportalenabled: description: Is the user enabled for Communities? type: boolean isprofilephotoactive: description: Has Profile Photo type: boolean issystemcontrolled: type: boolean lastip: description: ip address of last login type: string lastlogin: description: last login time type: string lastmodifiedbyid: description: Last Modified User ID type: string lastmodifieddate: description: Last Modified Date type: string lastname: description: The Last Name type: string logincount: description: number of times user has logged in format: int64 type: number managerid: description: Manager type: string mobilephone: description: Mobile type: string name: description: Name type: string outofofficemessage: description: Out of office message type: string phone: description: Phone type: string portalrole: description: Portal Role Level type: string profileid: description: Profile type: string receivesadmininfoemails: description: Admin Info Emails type: boolean receivesinfoemails: description: Info Emails type: boolean senderemail: description: Email Sender Address type: string sendername: description: Email Sender Name type: string signature: description: Email Signature type: string smallphotourl: description: Small Photo URL type: string startday: description: The time day starts type: string taxnexusaccount: description: Taxnexus Account type: string tenantid: type: string tenantusers: items: $ref: "#/definitions/TenantUser" type: array timezonesidkey: description: Time Zone type: string title: description: Title type: string username: description: Username type: string userroleid: description: Role type: string userroles: items: $ref: "#/definitions/UserRole" type: array usertype: description: User Type type: string type: object UserResponse: description: An array of Print-Ready ingest Objects properties: data: items: $ref: "#/definitions/User" type: array meta: $ref: "#/definitions/ResponseMeta" type: object UserRole: description: Relationship object that connects user to a role properties: auth0roleid: description: Linked role ID type: string description: description: Role description type: string name: description: Role Name type: string roleid: description: The Role ID type: string userid: description: The User ID type: string type: object