User: properties: APIGatewayURL: description: API Gateway URL type: string x-nullable: true APIGatewayUser: description: API Gateway User type: string x-nullable: true APIKey: description: API Key type: string x-nullable: true AboutMe: description: About Me type: string x-nullable: true AccountID: description: Account ID type: string x-nullable: true Address: $ref: "./address.yaml#/Address" x-nullable: true Alias: description: Alias type: string x-nullable: true Auth0UserID: description: Auth0 User Id type: string x-nullable: true CommunityNickname: description: Nickname type: string x-nullable: true CompanyName: description: Company Name type: string x-nullable: true ContactID: description: Contact type: string x-nullable: true CreatedByID: description: Created User ID type: string x-nullable: true CreatedDate: description: Date Created type: string x-nullable: true DelegatedApproverID: description: Delegated Approver type: string x-nullable: true Department: description: Department type: string x-nullable: true Division: description: Division type: string x-nullable: true Email: description: Email address type: string x-nullable: true EmployeeNumber: description: Employee Number type: string x-nullable: true EndOfDay: description: Time day ends type: string x-nullable: true Environment: description: Environment type: string x-nullable: true Extension: description: Extension type: string x-nullable: true Fax: description: Fax type: string x-nullable: true FirstName: description: The first name type: string x-nullable: true ForecastEnabled: description: Allow Forecasting type: boolean x-nullable: true FullPhotoURL: description: Full Photo URL type: string x-nullable: true GitHub: description: GitHub type: string x-nullable: true ID: description: Record ID type: string IsActive: description: Active type: boolean x-nullable: true IsPortalEnabled: description: Is the user enabled for Communities? type: boolean x-nullable: true IsSystemControlled: type: boolean x-nullable: true LastIP: description: IP address of last login type: string x-nullable: true LastLogin: description: Last login time type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified User ID type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string x-nullable: true LastName: description: The Last Name type: string x-nullable: true LinkedIn: description: LinkedIn type: string x-nullable: true LoginCount: description: Number of times user has logged in format: int64 type: number x-nullable: true ManagerID: description: Manager type: string x-nullable: true MobilePhone: description: Mobile type: string x-nullable: true Name: description: Name type: string x-nullable: true OutOfOfficeMessage: description: Out of office message type: string x-nullable: true Phone: description: Phone type: string x-nullable: true PortalRole: description: Portal Role Level type: string x-nullable: true ProfileID: description: Profile type: string x-nullable: true ReceivesAdminEmails: description: Info Emails type: boolean x-nullable: true SenderEmail: description: Email Sender Address type: string x-nullable: true SenderName: description: Email Sender Name type: string x-nullable: true SmallPhotoURL: description: Small Photo URL type: string x-nullable: true StartOfDay: description: The time day starts type: string x-nullable: true Status: description: Onboarding Status type: string x-nullable: true TaxnexusAccount: description: Account type: string x-nullable: true TenantID: description: Tenant ID associated with this user type: string x-nullable: true TenantUsers: items: $ref: "./tenant-user.yaml#/TenantUser" type: array x-nullable: true TimeZone: description: Time Zone type: string x-nullable: true Title: description: Title type: string x-nullable: true Twitter: description: Twitter type: string x-nullable: true UserRoleID: description: Role type: string x-nullable: true UserRoles: items: $ref: "./user-role.yaml#/UserRole" type: array x-nullable: true UserType: description: User Type type: string x-nullable: true Username: description: Username type: string x-nullable: true type: object