CompanyProduct: description: A software product or service vended by a Company properties: ID: description: Record Id type: string AccountID: description: ID of the Company that owns this Product type: string CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string Description: description: Description of product type: string FullDescription: description: Full Description of product type: string ImageAltText: description: Image Alt Text type: string ImageURL: description: Image URL type: string Industries: description: Industries type: array items: $ref: "./industry.yaml#/Industry" LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string Logo: description: Logo type: string Name: description: Product Name type: string ProductVideoID: description: Product Video ID type: string Published: description: Published type: boolean SalesforceSpecific: description: Salesforce Specific type: boolean Slug: description: Slug type: string TagLine: description: TagLine type: string URL: description: Website type: string type: object