Company: properties: ID: description: Company Id type: string AccountNumber: description: Company Number type: string AccountSource: description: The marketing origin of this Company type: string Active: type: integer AnnualRevenue: description: Annual Revenue Estimate format: double type: number ListingAddress: $ref: "./address.yaml#/Address" CloudRevenueTotal: type: number CloudType: description: The type of cloud company type: string CloudYear: description: The year company started cloud revenue type: string Description: description: Description of the Company type: string EarningsCall: description: Earnings Call Date type: string Email: description: Main Company Email type: string EquityFunding: description: The amount of equity EquityFunding type: number Facebook: description: Company Facebook URL type: string Fax: description: Fax number type: string FoundedDate: description: Date company founded type: string IPODate: description: IPO Date type: string ImageAltText: type: string ImageURL: type: string Industries: description: Industries type: string Industry: description: Industry type: string LinkedIn: description: Company LinkedIn URL type: string Location: description: Headquarters Location Description type: string Logo: description: Company Logo URL type: string MarketCapitalization: description: Market Capitalization type: number Name: description: Company Name type: string NumberInvestments: description: Number of Investments type: number NumberOfEmployees: description: Employee Count Estimate format: int64 type: number Ownership: description: Ownership type: string ParentID: description: Parent Company type: string Phone: description: Phone type: string Publish: description: Publish this record? type: boolean SalesforceFirst: description: A Salesforce-First company? type: boolean Slug: description: Slug type: string TagLine: description: Company tagline type: string TickerSymbol: description: Ticker Symbol type: string Twitter: description: Twitter URL type: string Type: description: Type type: string Website: description: Website type: string YearStarted: description: Year Started type: string CompanyProducts: description: Company Products type: array items: $ref: "./company-product.yaml#/CompanyProduct" FinancialStatements: description: Financial Statements type: array items: $ref: "./financial-statement.yaml#/FinancialStatement" IndustryCompanies: description: Similar Companies type: array items: $ref: "./industry-company.yaml#/IndustryCompany" type: object