Database: description: A Database provisioned and owned by a Tenant properties: Active: description: Is this database active? type: boolean ClusterID: description: The ID of the Cluster in which this database is deployed type: string CreatedByID: description: Created By type: string CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string DSN: description: Database connection string type: string DatabaseName: description: The name of the physical database in the cluster type: string ID: description: Record Id type: string LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By type: string LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modifed Date type: string Microservices: description: List of microservices implemented by this Database type: string Status: description: The current status of this Tenant type: string TenantID: description: The ID of the tenant who owns this Database type: string Type: description: The type of Database (mysql, etc) type: string type: object