Industry: description: An industry that is being researched properties: ID: description: Record Id type: string Channels: description: The channels associated with the track (Multiselect Picklist). type: string x-nullable: true CompanyProducts: description: The list of Products in this industry items: $ref: "./company-product.yaml#/CompanyProduct" type: array x-nullable: true CompanyServices: description: The list of Services in this industry items: $ref: "./company-service.yaml#/CompanyService" type: array x-nullable: true CreatedByID: description: Created By User ID type: string x-nullable: true CreatedDate: description: Created Date type: string x-nullable: true Description: description: Industry Description type: string x-nullable: true ImageAltText: description: Image Alt Text type: string x-nullable: true ImageURL: description: Image URL type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedByID: description: Last Modified By User ID type: string x-nullable: true LastModifiedDate: description: Last Modified Date type: string x-nullable: true Level: description: The hierarchical level of this Industry type: string x-nullable: true Logo: description: Logo type: string x-nullable: true Name: description: Industry Name type: string x-nullable: true ParentIndustryID: description: The ID of the Parent Industry type: string x-nullable: true Path: description: The full path of this industry, including Parent type: string x-nullable: true ProductCategory: description: Is this industry a product category? type: boolean x-nullable: true ServiceCategory: description: Is this industry a service category? type: boolean x-nullable: true Slug: description: The CMS Slug for this Industry type: string x-nullable: true TagLine: description: TagLine type: string x-nullable: true type: object