// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT. // (c) 2012-2023 by Vernon Keenan // All rights reserved worldwide. // Proprietary product; unlicensed use is not allowed package sfgate_models // This file was generated by the swagger tool. // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( "context" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) // Asset asset // // swagger:model Asset type Asset struct { // Account AccountID *string `json:"AccountID,omitempty"` // address Address *Address `json:"Address,omitempty"` // Asset Level AssetLevel *float64 `json:"AssetLevel,omitempty"` // Asset Provided By AssetProvidedByID *string `json:"AssetProvidedByID,omitempty"` // Asset Serviced By AssetServicedByID *string `json:"AssetServicedByID,omitempty"` // Company Product CompanyProductID *string `json:"CompanyProductID,omitempty"` // Consequence Of Failure ConsequenceOfFailure *string `json:"ConsequenceOfFailure,omitempty"` // Contact ContactID *string `json:"ContactID,omitempty"` // Created By CreatedByID *string `json:"CreatedByID,omitempty"` // Created Date CreatedDate *string `json:"CreatedDate,omitempty"` // Current Amount CurrentAmount *float64 `json:"CurrentAmount,omitempty"` // Current Lifecycle End Date CurrentLifecycleEndDate *string `json:"CurrentLifecycleEndDate,omitempty"` // Current Monthly Recurring Revenue CurrentMrr *float64 `json:"CurrentMrr,omitempty"` // Current Quantity CurrentQuantity *float64 `json:"CurrentQuantity,omitempty"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Digital Asset Status DigitalAssetStatus *string `json:"DigitalAssetStatus,omitempty"` // External Id ExternalIdentifier *string `json:"ExternalIdentifier,omitempty"` // Has Lifecycle Management HasLifecycleManagement *bool `json:"HasLifecycleManagement,omitempty"` // Record Id ID string `json:"ID,omitempty"` // Install Date InstallDate *string `json:"InstallDate,omitempty"` // Competitor Asset IsCompetitorProduct *bool `json:"IsCompetitorProduct,omitempty"` // Internal Asset IsInternal *bool `json:"IsInternal,omitempty"` // Last Modified By LastModifiedByID *string `json:"LastModifiedByID,omitempty"` // Last Modified Date LastModifiedDate *string `json:"LastModifiedDate,omitempty"` // Location LocationID *string `json:"LocationID,omitempty"` // MIME Type MIMEType *string `json:"MIMEType,omitempty"` // Manufacture Date ManufactureDate *string `json:"ManufactureDate,omitempty"` // Asset Name Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parent Asset ParentID *string `json:"ParentID,omitempty"` // Price Price *float64 `json:"Price,omitempty"` // Product Product2ID *string `json:"Product2ID,omitempty"` // Product Code ProductCode *string `json:"ProductCode,omitempty"` // Product Description ProductDescription *string `json:"ProductDescription,omitempty"` // Product Family ProductFamily *string `json:"ProductFamily,omitempty"` // Purchase Date PurchaseDate *string `json:"PurchaseDate,omitempty"` // Quantity Quantity *float64 `json:"Quantity,omitempty"` // Root Asset RootAssetID *string `json:"RootAssetID,omitempty"` // Serial Number SerialNumber *string `json:"SerialNumber,omitempty"` // Status Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Status Reason StatusReason *string `json:"StatusReason,omitempty"` // Product SKU StockKeepingUnit *string `json:"StockKeepingUnit,omitempty"` // Tenant ID TenantID *string `json:"TenantID,omitempty"` // Total Lifecycle Amount TotalLifecycleAmount *float64 `json:"TotalLifecycleAmount,omitempty"` // Type Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // URL URL *string `json:"URL,omitempty"` // Usage End Date UsageEndDate *string `json:"UsageEndDate,omitempty"` } // Validate validates this asset func (m *Asset) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { var res []error if err := m.validateAddress(formats); err != nil { res = append(res, err) } if len(res) > 0 { return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) } return nil } func (m *Asset) validateAddress(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if swag.IsZero(m.Address) { // not required return nil } if m.Address != nil { if err := m.Address.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("Address") } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { return ce.ValidateName("Address") } return err } } return nil } // ContextValidate validate this asset based on the context it is used func (m *Asset) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { var res []error if err := m.contextValidateAddress(ctx, formats); err != nil { res = append(res, err) } if len(res) > 0 { return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) } return nil } func (m *Asset) contextValidateAddress(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { if m.Address != nil { if err := m.Address.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("Address") } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { return ce.ValidateName("Address") } return err } } return nil } // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *Asset) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { return nil, nil } return swag.WriteJSON(m) } // UnmarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *Asset) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error { var res Asset if err := swag.ReadJSON(b, &res); err != nil { return err } *m = res return nil }