
2.3 KiB



Name Type Description Notes
tenantID String tenant identifier [optional]
ID String Taxnexus Record Id [optional]
accountID String The primary account ID of this contact [optional]
assistantName String Assistant Name [optional]
assistantPhone String Asst. Phone [optional]
birthDate String Birthdate [optional]
createdByID String Created By User ID [optional]
createdDate String Created Date [optional]
department String Department [optional]
description String Description [optional]
doNotCall Boolean Do Not Call? [optional]
email String Email address [optional]
emailBounceDate String Email Bounce Date [optional]
emailBounceReason String Email Bounce Reason [optional]
fax String [optional]
facebook String Fax Number [optional]
firstName String First Name [optional]
hasOptedOutOfEmail Boolean Email Opt Out [optional]
hasOptedOutOfFax Boolean Fax Opt Out [optional]
homePhone String Home Phone [optional]
isEmailBounced Boolean Does this contact have bounced emails? [optional]
lastModifiedByID String Last Modified By User ID [optional]
lastModifiedDate String Last Modified Date [optional]
lastName String Last Name [optional]
leadSource String Lead Source [optional]
linkedIn String LinkedIn Page [optional]
mailingAddress Address [optional]
mobilePhone String Mobile Phone [optional]
name String Full Name [optional]
otherAddress Address [optional]
otherPhone String Other Phone [optional]
ownerID String The User ID of the user who owns this Contact [optional]
personalEmail String Personal Email Address for this Contact [optional]
phone String Phone Number [optional]
photoURL String URL of a photograph of this User [optional]
title String Contact Title [optional]
twitter String [optional]